20th September, 1996 was a memorable day for all the participants in the opening mass. The opening mass aimed at bringing a sense of religion to the Josephians.
Form one to form three students, as well as the members of the staff and the pricipal attended the mass in St. Joseph's Church. It was a great sight to see over seven hundred people gathering in the event.
The mass started at 10:30 a.m. and was conducted in a formal yet pleasant atmosphere. Hyms sung by the choir echoed in the church. We were honoured to have Father H. M. Tsang to explain the meaning of the Gospels and everyone held their breath as they listened attentively. The ceremony proceeded smoothly and was concluded by our school rally at about 11:45 a.m. At the end of the mass the Chairman of the Christian Union presented a souvenir to Father H. M. Tsang. Despite the undesirable weather, the opening mass was a success. This success should be attributed to the organizers, section heads and commitee members of the Christian Union.
The prefects who were on duty during the opening mass also deserve our heartfelt praise. They were very helpful and dutiful in keeping the order of the students. The Christian Union would also like to express its deepest gratitude to our principal Rev. Brother Thomas and all teachers who helped in making the mass a success.
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