Ronald Arculli - Politics
G&W -
Do you think after 1997 Hong Kong will be able to maintain its role as one of the major financial centres of the world?
Mr. Arculli -
I think we can. Hong Kong has not achieved its reputation overnight. We had our share of setbacks......Remember the disturbances in 1967 and the collapse of the local stock market is 1987? Hong Kong has proven itself to be resilient time and again. If you at our stick market today - it is an international market with investors all over the world. If we have the faith to continue to uphold this reputation, it will not be a problem for us to maintain Hong Kong's role as one of the major financial centres of the world. On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to be complacent and do not work hard to maintain our reputation, a lot of South-East Asian countries would be fighting to take our place.
G&W -
Do you think other countries may look at us differently because we are under the rule of China?
Mr. Arculli -
Some countries may want to look at us different simply because they do not want us to succeed. But I think it is still up to the people of Hong Kong to earn the confidence of others. We have to demonstrate how we can continue to run our society; that our legal system still works and the way our government and the Chinese government rule us.
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