
Team Members

 Leo Mak 

 Alex Tsui 

 Deputy Editor-In-Chief: Alex Tsui
 Name  Alex Tsui To Shing
 Email  alextsui@hkstar.com
 ICQ UIN  718413
 Homepage   Nil

"The need for a Web Publishing Board has always been doubtful.  For one, there is already the Editorial Board to record the events that happen during the year.  For another, the nature of our work may seem to coincide with that of our computer related societies.  On what grounds, then, do we justify the existence of our Board?

"As editors of this Board, we continually remind ourselves we are not here just to give a monotonic display of facts.  Unlike the banal paper and ink, the Internet is a new medium, where improvements take place daily; where innovative ideas are being implemented by the second; where interaction is an intrinsic property.  Through this novel electronic medium, we endeavour to let our visitors experience the ambience of our College.  We are here to give life to what we convey.

"The blinds have now been drawn.  Celebrating the 125th Anniversary of our College, we come in a new face, with a new design.  As editors, we have been working round the clock, adding to our site more sections and a better content.  In return, we ask for only but one thing - we hope you will be impressed.  So, please enjoy your visit.  Thank you."

Josephian Spirit
@iSwimGal '99

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