This Web 


 Into the Millennium...


September 1999

G&W Online Version Four took the school web a giant leap forward. A innovative interface, with a exotic but exciting blocks bar on the right, was introduced. The site was re-designed with the aim of including everything that was or would be included in the school magazine. A comprehensive archive included everything that was once in some previous versions of the web. A complete school profile was designed for the visitors. An articles section was also added in order to increase the reading interests of Josephians.

October 1999 Interactive contents, including a new automatic Contact List, 7 discussion forums, site search function, a Recent Updates page and a guestbook, were launched with the use of CGI programming language. (Thanks programmer Sidney Fong.)
October 1999

ECS's Computer Access Session let students to access the computers and get on to the Internet at school.

November 1999 The first electronic version of paper newsletters - OBA newsletter - was accomplished.
December 1999 The first promotion page - a promo for Open Day 2000 - was made in order to attract the visitors all over Hong Kong and worldwide.
December 1999 The VCD Production Team made the first VCD for St. Joseph's College, celebrating her 125th Anniversary.