 Singing Contest 
 Fashion Show 
 Other Performances 



 What is it actually?

CV420 stands for the 420-minutes-long Joint-School Charity Variety Show 2000, being held in New Hall, St. Joseph's College, on 4-20-2000. It is jointly organised by Students' Union of St. Joseph's College and Student Council of Marymount Secondary School.

30% of the revenue obtained would be fully donated to a charity organization.

 What's in the show?

Through stunning performances and first-class entertainment in the form of music, instrumental, orchestral, speech (talk-show), magic, band, dancing and catwalk performances, participants are to enjoy a full day of storms of excitement and fun. Moreover, they can have the precious opportunity to experience the taste of starvation sufferings of the unfortunate people living in the poor countries by not having any meals for the day.

 Where will the revenue go?

Over 30% of the revenue obtained would be fully donated to a charity organization.

 Where can I buy the ticket?

Tickets are available in the ticket booth at the main entrance.